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Writer's pictureSamuel Kern

My daily routine


now I will just name you all the things I have to do in the hospital and how my normal day looks like. Everyday it is a little bit different, but these are the general tasks:

- 5:30: Ignoring the alarm

-5:45: Waking up, take a shower and eat breakfast

-6:15: Go down to wait for the bus, which arrives sometimes at 6:30 or 6:10 or whenever it wants too...

-6:55: Arriving at the hospital and taking my clothes

-7:00: Drinking Coffee

7:10: Drinking another Coffee

7:15: Refilling the closets for the parents (Cups, Coffee, Milk, etc...)

7:30 turning the buffet heater on

7:30-8:00 Refilling and preparing the ambulant station

8:00: Sharing breakfast

8:30: Eat breakfast by myself

8:45: Collecting all the plates

9:00-12:00: Do whatever they want me to do. Clean all the equipment and the closets, playing with the children, making beds and caring patients around. Sometimes I am allowed to work in the ambulance, which is mostly the highlight of the day, because I can help to work with the patients directly.

12:00: Sharing lunch

12:30: Eating lunch

13:00: Cleaning, arranging and do whatever the nurses tell me to do.

15:00: Going home

Sometimes I have to work from 11 to 19 o clock. During the time between 15:00 and 19:00, I haven't that much to do. One time I just looked Netflix all the time, which is totally fine with the stuff. At 18:00 I have to share dinner, that is all.

Gladly not every day looks the same. My head nurse, Sigal, tries to involve me in everything that has to do with medical stuff. Few times I saw a Lumbar Puncture. Yesterday I saw a c-section from twins, which was really cool to see. For the doctors it seems, that this was not a big deal for them, because they do it few times a day, which is very confusion, when you think about, that they help to bring two new lives on earth. For them it was just routine.

So my work is often a bit boring, but because of the little highlights every week, I am always motivated to go to work and I am thankful, that I have the chance to see all that.



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